Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Day 40 Quebec City to St Simeon

"I carried you down to the St. Lawrence River
The banks running dirty"
(David Usher, Moist) He attended Kingston Collegiate and Vocational Institute, and I think his father taught at Queen’s. 
After a continental breakfast at the Econolodge near the airport we set out to make our way through the city and out the east side. This city has an amazing network of paths and lanes for bicycles. We traveled for many km on dedicated bike paths. For a long way east of the city  we peddled on the flat with a tailwind. Then we ran into the hills that Quebec cyclists avoid. Since Hy 138 is not part of the Trans-Canada system, there isn't the same standard limiting the max grades. We encountered some 12% ones that were also long, and walked up too many. By the time we got to Baie St Paul we were ready for a change. We pulled up to a deppaneur for a break when bus pulled in to drop and pickup passengers. Spontaneously Gramie asked the driver if they could take us to St Simeon and he said "sure there is a bus at 7 pm". So we ended up near the ferry terminal and plan to be in Riviere du Loup tomorrow on the 9:30 ferry. Our motel, Belvedere, gives us million dollar views of the St Lawrence. Distance today including walking was 110 km. 

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