Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Day 32 Thessalon to Blind River

"Lord I'm one, lord I'm two, lord I'm three, lord I'm four, lord I'm five hundred miles from my home" ( Bobby Bare?) It's almost just 800 km or 500 miles to Kingston from here.

Looking ahead at the weather forecast we saw that rain was predicted for today.  Accordingly we got up early and had a mouthful of food before leaving the motel at about 6 am. Our goal was Iron Bridge to have our breakfast at the Village Diner after riding for an hour. When we arrived at the diner, we were greeted by a "closed" sign. We went on to Blind River in cold rain and were really pleased with brunch at the 17 Restaurant. Gramie had the standard breakfast and I ordered the Hungry Man; for us they are the most important thing of the day so their pictures get to be shown in today's entry. After that we went to the supermarket and bought some snack food. It was still raining and cold when we finished shopping, so we decided to get a room by the river running through town. Our distance today was just 56 km, which is less than we had hoped for but okay considering the rain and sub 10C temperatures. We will use the remainder of the day to rest and warm up. 


  1. Well if you go thru Sudbury and down 41, it is only 737km. Keep on trucking guys, you are doing great.
