Saturday, June 8, 2019

Day 36 Deep River to Shawville

"J'entre dans la sale de classe (Provence de Quebec)" (O'Brien and LaFrance)  This is not in a song but it is the first sentence in the introductory French text book that we used in BC when I was in grade 9.  My teacher was Mr Hr who spoke English with a Ukrainian accent and this probably applied to French as well. So when a francophone doesn't understand me, I can attribute it to Mr Hr.

We had a really nice pea meal bacon and egg breakfast at our Bear Den accommodation and then headed out in great weather on good roads. We enjoyed the ride a lot up to the turnoff for Kingston. After that the road deteriorated and the traffic got heavy. The paved shoulder got down to about 40 cm in width and the rumble strip took most of that. We had decided to exit Hy 17 at county road 652 and cross the Ottawa River into Quebec. That was over 2100 km spent on Hy 17. We were more than happy to get off Hy 17. We planned to take Rte 303 up to Rte 148 and stay in Shawville. Unfortunately 303 was closed for construction and we were detoured on 301 and Rte 148.  This extended our day by about 20 km giving us a distance of some 136 km today. I can only go from the maps be caused my bike computer quit again. It's the second battery for the sensing unit so I will complain to the supplier when I get home. I'll have to get a different odometer tomorrow in Hull/Gatineau. 

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