Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Bike Trip 2011 Day 16, June 8, Sturgeon Falls

Hungry baby crow
The weather forecast was for a hot (30 C) and humid day with thundershowers, so we decided to get up early and try to beat the heat.  We were up around 5 and on the road before 6 am; it was just light enough to be on the road without lights.  We started out in warm and windless weather.  It continued to get warmer for 2-3 hours when we encountered  a  good cloud burst.  Although we put on rain jackets, our lower bodies got wet including our shoes.  Nevertheless, this rain was a blessing because the humidity dropped along with the temperature.  There was either no wind or a slight tailwind, which allowed us to make good time.  We were at Sudbury on the bypass after 11 am.  Susie got a flat there, so I changed the tube and we got on our way.

Just before Sudbury we saw a beaver in his pond right beside the road; unfortunately he dove into the muddy water just as I about to take his picture.  On the Sudbury bypass we heard a ruckus by crows high in a rock cut; an adult crow was feeding its young.  By the time I got my camera out, the adult had left the nest so I didn’t get the shot I wanted.  We continued on until we found a service station on the east side of Sudbury where I topped up Susie’s tire from 50 to 80 psi.  We stopped at the Subway restaurant in Wahnapitae for my morning coffee and a meatball sub.  The rest of the ride was uneventful unless you call highway construction an event.  We decided to keep going until Sturgeon Falls.  We pulled into the Lincoln Motel around 4:30 for showers before getting food at the Metro next door.  Then it was eat, fix the inner tube and watch the hockey game.

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