Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Bike Trip 2011 Day 15, June 7 Massey 1683 km

After a good night’s sleep we got on the road at 7:10 am.  The weather was clear and about 13C with no wind; this was excellent biking weather.  Without a coffee maker in the room, we decided to pickup coffee along the way when we needed a break.  The Trans-Canada Hwy follows the Mississagi River for a distance in the area of Iron Bridge.  It is beautiful.  We also crossed the Serpent River just east of Blind River; there is a really nice rest area and chutes above and below the hwy bridge.  We stopped in Blind River to pick up some food, and at a restaurant on the north side of the hwy near Serpent River for coffee.  Their menu looked inviting but we didn’t need to eat so perhaps we’ll save that for a day when we are passing though by car.  We peddled on until about 4:30 pm and decided to stay in Massey.  Susie's right foot is bothering her but her achilles tendons seems to be behaving themselves.  After checking out the Mohawk Motel we opted to stay at the Massey Motel - a perfectly adequate room with fridge, microwave and wired internet.

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