Saturday, June 4, 2011

Bike Trip 2011 Day 12, June 4 Wawa,1242 km

This bull moose was not lucky
Semi on its side

This morning we slept in until after 7 and got on the road at 8:20 am.  The wind had died down making for very pleasant biking.  It was warm but not hot and overcast.  The road was excellent with decent shoulders most of the way.  At Moose Creek we saw our first bull moose and a cow; thus, the spot is appropriately named.  Later, about 50 km from Wawa, we were passed by police cars, an ambulance, fire rescue truck and a huge tow truck.  We suspected a traffic accident ahead.  Not long thereafter we came upon a long lineup of trucks and cars, and saw a semi on its side on the westbound lane- part of it projected down the bank.  After looking over the terrain, we saw a dirt road running along the south right of way.  We biked back about a 100 m and got on this road and skirted the accident scene.  Then the cycling became even better because we had the full eastbound lane to ourselves; about 3/4 of an hour later the traffic started to come through so we pulled off the road to let them go by and have a bite to eat.  Riding into Wawa, we encountered a fog bank, which dropped the temperature and forced Susie to put on a sweater.  We stopped at the Wawa information booth to find out where we could buy food and perhaps a new tire.  Canadian Tire had bike tires but none the right size, so we’ll have to check in the Sault.  We picked up food at the Valu-Mart, and then head south to the White Fang motel.  It was really clean and spacious room with fridge, coffee maker and internet but no nicrowave.  I am becoming to trust the TravelAdvisor web site.

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