Monday, June 6, 2011

Bike Trip 2011 Day 14, June 6 Bruce Mines, 1536 km

Left Batchawana around 7:20 am in the sun although it was cool enough to wear a sweater or fleece.  The road was quite flat and easy to cycle for the first few hours.  Eventually we climbed over a bit of a hill and then went down again before making the final climb after Goulais River.  We arrived at the Velorution bicycle shop before noon where I was able to get a new tire.  I put the new tire on the rear, and former rear tire on the front, which gives me the best rubber under the weight of the panniers.  The old tire had a cut that was big enough to poke a small key through.  I first noticed the cut before getting to Wawa, so it had been bothering me for a while.  After the bike shop, we crossed town and picked up some food at Food Basics before going to Subway for lunch.  Then we took the old highway out until it joined the new Hwy 17.  This afternoon the wind has been from the SE, which means that was in our face because we first had to go south and then east.  At Echo Bay we decided to go on to Desbarats or Bruce Mines.  We found that there were no places to stay in Desbarats so rode on to Bruce Mines arriving after 6 pm; we checked into the first motel- Bobbers.  It was a nice clean room with fridge but no microwave or coffee.  Nevertheless, it is good value because the price was just $60 + tax.

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