Friday, June 3, 2011

Bike Trip 2011 Day 11, June 3 White River, 1138 km

We left Jackfish Lake at 7:30 am and were immediately presented with a significant hill.  The scenery was great with lots of lakes, rocks, rivers and of course Lake Superior.  The road from Terrace Bay to White River was very good.  In this section there are relatively few hills and lots of straight sections.  This made for easy cycling.  On the other hand, we had wind in our faces for all but 3 hours today.  In the morning it was enough to make us work, then in the middle of the day, it died, and at the end of the day, it was 48 kph.  Needless to say that we were very tired by the time we rolled in to White River at 5:45 pm.  It was lucky for us that we got there when we did because an hour later all the rooms in town were taken; we stayed at the White River Motel.  Tonight we had dinner at the Continental Restaurant on the south side of the highway.  The food was good, service was just okay and the atmosphere was lousy; we could hear everyone who spoke although the echoes garbled the sounds enough to make them unintelligible.

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