Thursday, June 17, 2010

Day 23, the end of this trip

Day 23, June 16, Portage La Prairie to Winnipeg, km 2603-2717, 114 km today.

We left Portage a little after 7 and made our way through town via 1A to 1. The TCH had a nice wide shoulder all the way into Winnipeg. There was no wind and it was sunny with temperature going from 11 to 27C in the afternoon. The road was so straight and so flat that I spent time trying figure out how far it was to the visible horizon. The crops by and large seem to be planted and doing very well. The canola gets yellower by the day. We also saw potatoes and sunflower. One thing that was unusual was a few fields that had rows and rows of large rectangular bales of hay just rotting away. There had to be thousands of them. Got to Nicole and Curtis' around 1 pm. We made from Nanaimo to Winnipeg with 19 days of cycling on our route, a side trip to the Cypress Hills, and three rest days.

Average speed for the whole trip 18.22 kph; through BC it was the slowest at 14 kph, and from Banff to Winnipeg 19.32.

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