Thursday, June 10, 2010

Day 17

Day 17, June 10 Moose Jaw to Regina km 2007-2080, 73 km today

Today is a different day. We need to slow down so that we can meet Nicole and Gabriella in Regina on Friday evening, and babysit Gabriella while Nicole rows in a regatta on Saturday. So we took in the Tunnels of Moose Jaw this morning. The Al Capone tour was entertaining and the story of Chinese immigrants was educational. They were treated really badly- poor pay, poor living conditions and the hated head tax. After the tours, we picked up our bikes and bags from the motel room where they had let us have a late checkout. The city is clearly doing its best to rejuvenate its downtown. Many buildings are being redone, and a new arena/convention centre is under construction. The road out toward the east is nicely landscaped and attractive.

The ride toward Regina started out sunny and warm with no wind to speak of. That did not last long as the predicted 25 kph head wind materialized and stayed with us all the way into Regina. It really slowed us down because it took almost 6 hours to cover the 73 km. When we turned north off the TCH in Regina, it felt as if we were flying because it got so much easier. Today we didn't see much in terms of animals; the fields adjacent to the highway were recently worked in many cases so there wasn't much grass for wildlife. Interestingly there was a lot of standing water in the fields, indicative of a wet spring. West of Regina there is a large industrial operation with large pile of white material adjacent, and spur line filled with hopper cars. I'm assuming that this is a potash operation because the road leading into it is called Kalium Road.

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