Saturday, June 5, 2010

Day 12

Day 12, June 5 Brooks to Medicine Hat, km 1278 to 1393, 115 km today. 5 hours.

The day started out cool and wet, but dried out and warmed up as we went along. The ride was as easy as you can get with flat roads (gentle rolling hills) and a wind at our backs of up to 25 kph. About 25 km east of Brooks we started to see antelope beside the road. We saw 20 in total including 3 babies. We also saw a red large deer; from a distance we thought that it might be a horse but when it raised its head, it was clearly a deer. It's red colour was unusual as was its size. As we entered Medicine Hat we saw lots of dead prairie dogs on the road. After getting a motel, we showered and will walk downtown to be tourists. There were lots of people around some event right down town.

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