Sunday, June 13, 2010

Day 20

Day 20, June 13, Regina to Moosomin, km 2080 to 2312, 232 km today.

We had a very nice breakfast in the university residences this morning- fruit, cereal, eggs, bacon, blueberry pancakes, orange juice and coffee. The sun was out, it was warm but not hot and the wind was negligible. The road was excellent with a good paved shoulder all day; in some places it was a bit rough but it was a safe place to ride. Much of the wild life we saw today was lifeless, being hit by highway traffic. Nevertheless we saw a coyote and muskrat in addition to the usual prairie dogs, prairie falcons and other birds. With no wind the ride was quite easy so we found ourselves passing Indian Head, Wolsely, Grefell, Broadview and Whitewood before stopping for the night in Moosomin. Had the riding conditions not been so ideal, it would have been difficult to cover 232 km. The book says that Regina to Moosomin is 222 km, so I figure that the extra 10 km was due to getting from the university to the road plus the fact that I don't ride in a straight line. Susie pays more attention to the road surface while I (KN) like to gawk at everything, which takes me from one side our lane to the other. Most of the TCH has a shoulder that is a full lane wide.

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