Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Day 16

Day 16, June 9 Swift Current to Moose Jaw km 1828-2007, 179 km today

We had the complimentary continental breakfast at the motel, the left for Moose Jaw at 7:15. The sun was shining, there was no wind and the temperature was about 10C- perfect biking weather. In a little while we started to feel the wind in our faces but not enough to slow our progress. Then about 10 a.m. the wind picked up and was about 25 kph directly from the east. It blew like this until 5 p.m. and made it difficult to move forward. As a result it took us almost 12 hours to cover the 179 km to downtown Moose Jaw. Other than the wind, it was perfect biking weather. Along the way we encountered more rolling hills than we remembered from driving this road a year ago. Maybe it was the wind, but it seemed like we gained a significant amount of elevation from Swift Current to Chaplin.

Our sights for the day included the country side, which is beautiful with it lush grass and horizons that go on forever. We also saw more antelope, making it 36 in total. We also saw a coyote and a live jack rabbit. There we re several dead jack rabbits on the road amongst the hundreds of prairie dogs. The majority of the cattle were black Angus, quite a few Herefords and some Charolais. Near Reed Lake, we saw many hawks, light brown with with very bushy legs. Near Herbert, we saw a herd of alpacas.

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