Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Peru Trip 2011

Leaving Kingston
We took the Megabus (a double decker bus) from Kingston at 8:15 a.m. to Scarborough and stopped to visit Auntie Eiko.  Then we took the Go Bus to the airport and left Toronto at 5:35 p.m.  We arrived in Lima at 1:30 a.m. and then made our way to the hotel.  After breakfast we walked north above the beach for over an hour then walked down to the beach and then south on the beach for about 2 hours.  The ocean and beaches are beautiful.  Later we had an authentic Peruvian meal in a very small cafe- good soup followed by chicken, beans and rice.  After our afternoon nap we walked to downtown Miraflores.  Tomorrow we will visit the older central part of Lima.
My computer will not work with the hotel WiFi so I am not sending pictures today.
 On the way back, we stopped to rest in Kennedy Park where we started talking with a couple of locals, who wanted to practice their English.  We talked to them for over 2 hours.  There was also a small musical group who sang Andean folk songs for about an hour.  It was really fun talking with the local people.  Lima has been very interesting but we are ready for the mountains.
Today we started out with a beach walk again, this time to the south.  We walked through a fish market where a local gentleman talked to us about all the fish, and the fact that they owned a fish restaurant nearby.  After that we walked to the top of a hill nearby that had the 12 stages of the cross and a planetarium.  After getting back to our hotel, we had a nice nap before heading out to the craft market; Boppa bought a Peruvian toque.

Tomorrow we will fly to Puno.

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