Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Lake Titikaka

Susie in Lima

We flew from Lima to Puno via Cuzco which took a whole day.  On our
arrival in Puno, Gramie and Boppa got altitude sickness.  We had
headaches, upset stomachs and more.  During the briefing by our tour
guide, Gramie had to go back to our room.  Sleeping the first night at
high altitude was tough; there were times when we thought that we
might not be able to handle the next day's boat ride.  Nevertheless we
managed and got a great visit to Taquile Island.  The people there are
amazing.  The land is rocky and steep, but they still manage to live a
decent life and feed themselves well.  The island has no crime, no
unemployment and no hungry people.  Through their cooperation they
managed to build their town hall which has lots of glass in two
months.  All the materials were carried up from the lake by hand or
At Floating Islands
Lake Titicaca from Taquile Island
donkey.  They now have cell phones and cable TV.

That night we were taken to Luquitos for a home stay; our hosts were a
mother and 12 year-old son.  The father was away working.  We were
given a display of traditional dancing, and also got to participate.
Part of the show was us being dressed in very colourful traditional
costume.  We had quinoa soup and tota, fried bread.

The next morning we boated to the floating islands where the "land" is
made of reeds as are the houses and boats.

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