Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day 8 Puno to Lima

Today we left our hotel in Puno by a nice bus that took us to the bus station.  My thought was that we should have stayed on that bus because is was quite comfortable and the public bus was not going to as good.  Was I ever wrong!  Susie and I got the front right seats of the upper deck in seats that were very comfortable and spacious.  The backs reclined a long way and there were lower leg rests not just foot rests.  This was the best bus that we have ever ridden in.  We followed the altiplano, high plain, for hours then climbed a mountain pass before dropping into Cusco, where we were met by a Gap bus and taken to the Cusco Plaza Hotel.  Our room was very nice.  We spent about an hour or so in downtown Cusco picking up some insect repellent and exchanged some Canadian dollars for Peruvian currency, Soles.  The exchange rate for C$ was better than for $US.  After a nice dinner, we packed the duffel bags that we would take on the Machu Picchu trek, and left the rest of our clothes etc in our travel bags that would be left at this hotel to be picked up after the trek.  We are down to bare essential now.  Our weight limit is 6 kg/person including our sleeping bags.  Since we have had some practice in travelling light, we were well under our limits.

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