Sunday, June 3, 2018

June 3

Hadrian's wall at its best. Last night we stayed in a really nice B&B in Humshaugh- probable the nicest yet. Our room was nice and we also had a sitting room adjacent to ourselves. They served us a nice English breakfast with eggs from their chickens. The weather today was the wettest that we have had but still not bad. We had a mist coming down most of the day so we made good use of our umbrellas. The best part of today's walk was the amount of wall that was available to see. It wasn't continuous wall but there was much more than we expected. We also got to walk across the Penines today as the Pennine Way and Hadrian's Wall path overlap for about 8 miles. Because of our difficulty in getting accommodation, we had to go further than we wanted today.  I think that it was a bit over 20 miles. Although we were up and down a fair bit, it was not really tiring.  At dinner tonight we learned that we should try get a place in Ambleside and hike from there.

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