Sunday, June 10, 2018

June 10

Blencathra. Susie saw Blencathra as soon as we arrived and said that she wanted to hike that fell. The first hike was up Skidaw 931 m and the second was up Helvellyn 950 m, and today's hike was up Blencathra which at 868m was lower than the other two. Nevertheless it's crest was the best of the lot. After we gained the ridge we had at least a half hour of walking over the bumps up top. Although it was sunny we couldn't make out all fells because of the haze. After we gained the ridge we saw many other hikers as there are several ways of getting to the top. We ended up walking down with  Margaret and Martin from Manchester. After talking to a few people in Keswick we thought it might be difficult to find our way to the trail head but it was actually quite easy. On the way back we took a different route which gave us lots of foxglove to look at.

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