Tuesday, May 29, 2018

May 29

This was a classic bitter sweet day. Bitter because a great walk ended and sweet because we reached our destination - Robin Hood's Bay. We had our doubts about the weather because some of the forecasts included some showers. Nevertheless we started in great style with a nice breakfast in the conservatory overlooking Beggars Bridge. We walked through a wide variety of scenery and conditions; we saw valleys, forests, neat little villages and moors. Included was a hermit's home carved out of a large rock. While we had mists and fog most of the day we didn't get rain. The end of the day 's walk took us along the North Sea like we started 12 days ago. Today we walked over 20 miles and took about 8 and a half hours. At the end we threw stones from the Irish Sea into the North Sea.

1 comment:

  1. wow that time went fast .. what a wonderful journey to follow you on and enjoy the pictures.... <3
