Monday, May 28, 2018

May 28

What a difference a day makes. Yes it was Sunday sunny and warm. This brought out locals in numbers in addition to the participants in the 160 mile race.  Today was Monday foggy and cooler.  We saw only a few people out on the paths today. After breakfast the hotel gave us a ride back to the trail. After a short climb we were on the moors again but today it was in the fog.  This gave it an eerie feeling and I felt that I was in scary movie wherein armed horsemen could attack us at any moment. About half way into our day's walk we stopped for a bite and a drink. While we were stopped we were entertained by a mother grouse and her brood of chicks. Also rabbits, sheep and other birds kept materializing out of the fog. Although the walk was long, it kept entertained. We are staying at the Beggars Bridge B&B which is named after the adjacent bridge that was built by a poor man who became rich and married a rich man's daughter. Before becoming rich he tried to visit his sweetheart but the river was in flood so wasn't able to see her before leaving to seek his fortune. He built the bridge so that other young men wouldn't have to go through his experience. 

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