Sunday, May 27, 2018

May 27

Another great day on the Coast to Coast. I anticipated only a few good views but we got many. Even low down we had nice views of green well-groomed pastures with cows eating contentedly. After about half an hour in the forest we broke out on top of a hill overlooking the flat lands to the west. Then we had great views for the rest of the day. With a high temperature of 20C and sun, we couldn't ask for more. We walked with a couple of guys from the London area until around noon and found ourselves at Lord Stones. We had planned to walk to our hotel by cutting off the main path before Clay Bank Top but couldn't break away from the views offered by the high path so we walked to Clay Bank Top then called the Wainstones Hotel for a ride. It's a big hotel with nice spacious rooms. Since we arrived at 2:30pm we can relax a lot before dinner. For dinner I had roast pork and Yorkshire pudding and Susie had roast beef and Yorkshire pudding. Mine was decent but Susie didn't like hers. Not like last night when we both had great Chicken Parmesan; that was exceptional with tasty chicken breasts with nice salad. The chicken was not only good but it was large - about 5.5 in diameter by 3/4 in thick.  The portions we have been eating have been very generous to say the least. 

1 comment:

  1. What a great view .. you both are looking good .... the grand children love the pictures and say hi ... and we had pork shoulder roast for dinner to :)
