Wednesday, May 23, 2018

May 23

Breakfast this morning was exceptional.  After the usual juice, fruit etc we had a great omelet and poached smoked haddock with poached eggs. This was really stick to the ribs food that held us all day with just a small snack around 1 pm. We had a really pleasant hike up to Nine Standards Rigg.  The Nine aren't just cairns but carefully constructed structures which look labour intensive. The  challenge  today was the headwind which kept pushing us off balance and had us putting on jackets. We are really fortunate that it has been dry in this area because this route has the potential to be very boggy. We ended up taking the higher red route because it is recommended for this time of year. The lower levels had sheep  grazing while there was essentially no animals on the upper third. As this was a short day, we arrived in Keld by 3 pm giving us ample time to do a bit of laundry. And they have a drying room where we could hang things without cluttering our room.

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