Friday, May 31, 2019

Day 28 Jackfish Lake to White River

"I want to live, I want to give,  I've been a miner for a heart of gold" (Neil Young) 

We had to put in a long day today because of the location of the towns; Marathon would have been too little and White River was feasible. Last night I called the Continental Motel and they started by saying that there was just a single room available and we should try the White River Motel. I called them and they said no vacancy. So I called the Continental again and booked whatever they had. When we arrived just before 4 pm there was a vacancy sign on we were assigned to a nice large room with a Jacuzzi. Go figure. 

Our ride to Marathon was the challenging part today because it started with the steepest and longest hill. After Marathon it was flatter and straighter. We had some nice views of Lake Superior and lots of small lakes. We also saw gold mines; the one that had a recognizable name was Barrick. Distance today 148 km.

Grandchildren’s ice cream question. What character made famous by AA Milne originated in White River?