Friday, May 10, 2019

Day 10 Hinton to Wildwood

Perfect riding conditions. After breakfast at the Ramada we left Hinton in 10C weather. Hy 16 climbed a bit to Obed summit which is described as the highest point on the Yellowhead. At 1161 m it is 33 m higher than Yellowhead Pass. That was about the last really good view of the Rockies. Now we had the rolling hills flattening out to the true prairies. The riding conditions were so good that we arrived in Edson at noon. There we stopped for break and sustenance and wouldn't you know it - fixing the second flat tire. By 3 pm we arrived at Niton Junction where we had projected a night's stay. We decided to go on to Wildwood - that gave us 170 km by 4 pm. The local legion was having its monthly dinner so we joined them to enjoy a meal of ribs. They were very welcoming; we ate with a local who had lots of stories. 

The pictures are of Obed summit, our view from our room in Hinton and one our last views of the Rockies. 

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