Friday, June 8, 2012

Day 2 Port Hastings

Today we left the Tulip and Thistle just outside of Truro and rode route 4 to New Glasgow.  We tried to stay on 4 but the signage was not good so we ended up on the 104, which we rode through to Port Hastings.  The day started our cool and foggy but then turned sunny and warm.  The wind was not in our face today so we made much better time and distance.  Yesterday we covered 108 km and today 172.  We are in the EconoLodge close to the intersect that we will use tomorrow morning, and this limited our eating options somewhat.  Tonight we "dined" at the A & W next door, mainly because we were too tired to contemplate much more.

This picture shows a ship being loaded with ore at the mine located right at Canso Causeway.  It also shows the great weather we had today for biking.  The graph below shows that we had more hills than we anticipated; some of the locals said that there were one or two hills in today's section.

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