Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Portugal Day 6

Today we left one of our nicest hosts in Carlos, who did everything possible to make our stay pleasant. He brought fresh warm bread to go along with everything else. We started walking around 7:35am, which was our earliest start yet. Others started much earlier because the temperature forecast was for 30C. That was accurate as it was almost as hot as 2 days ago;  the difference today was a nice breeze.
About mid-afternoon we made contact with Celia who had invited us to stay with her in Golega. We sat and had drinks at the Café Central and saw Frank & Dagmar walking into town. Celia toured us around Golega, is all about horses; they claim to be the horse capital of Portugal and the world. She showed us around her condominium home and had to leave for Alhandra where she works. Unbelievably she left two strangers with the keys to her home and had to leave.


  1. I bet that was your hot water Susie!! Hope you straightened out your credit card. We a;lways call and let the credit card people know we are travelling and where to.

  2. Looking good aunty .. you sure look like dad ....
