Sunday, April 30, 2017

Portugal Day 17

We woke up to a surprise this morning be it had rained quite hard overnight and was still raining. We had left our hiking boots outside and water poured out when they were tipped over. After we dried our boots out somewhat, we wore dry socks with the idea of changing them after an hour or two. I was in the fortunate position of having an old pair of socks that were due to be discarded. So at our morning coffee break, I threw out my socks and we both put on dry ones. By 9 am the rain stopped and everything was back on track.
Today we had great walking conditions as we spent a lot of time on dirt paths or quiet country roads. When we entered Barcelos we saw the famous Barcelos cockerell. Legend has it that a pilgrim was sentenced to hanging but he said that he was innocent. This would be proven when the judge eats because the roasted rooster would stand up on the judges table. Sure enough that happens so the judge rushed to the gallows and save the pilgrim. Next we encountered people everywhere and music on the streets. When we arrived at our potential hotel, we learned that rooms were scarce because of the national holiday celebratios. The clerk called another hotel for us then we could relax and enjoy the town. At supper in Cantinho do Peregrinho we had a nice pilgrim meal and met a couple from Wolfville NS.

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