Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Prague Sep 20

Today we planned a loop hike up one alpine valley, then over a ridge and back down the adjacent valley.  About 4 hours out we lost the trail makers just about the place on our map that showed a change in the path to an ambiguous straight purple line.  So we followed a set of cairns  to the top of a ridge and nowhere else to go.  We started back and just where we had lost markers we saw hikers high above and then we found the markers. When we scrambled to the top of the ridge, we found ourselves standing on little more than a knife edge.  The way down the other side was a chimney that could only be used with its anchor chains and metal rungs set into the rock.  With trepidation, Susie grabbed the chains and rungs and made her way down.  It was nerve wracking as one slip could have resulted in an injury or worse.  As it turned out, we made it fine then completed a 10-hour hike. This is some of the best hiking that we have ever done.  Our maximum altitude today was about 2200 m.

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