Monday, September 19, 2016

Prague Sep 19

First day of hiking.  After sitting for a week  my body needs a little physical work.  So we started the day with breakfast in our hotel and started hiking a little after 8 am. The valley was socked in making us wonder if we would get any views today.  We lucked out as the day turned out to be perfect. We managed to reach the top of Mt Slavkovski 2452 m in 3h30m in partial sunshine.  The time given on the map was  5h15m so now we are calibrated.  The trail got above the trees quite quickly and we walked on rocks 3/4 of the time.  Now that we know a bit about the area, we decided to stay here in Stary Smokovec for 4 nights and then go to Strbske Pleso for 4 nights.

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