Monday, August 29, 2022

August 29

We got an early start today, 7:00am, without breakfast. Our tentsite was wet with dew and we weren't hungry so we paddled through Hogs Back to Hartwells for breakfast then continued to Wellington Street for our turnaround at 9:30am. Paddling in was easy with no wind and no power boats. In the first segment out we had waves from a big boat to deal with. It produced a wake and then the waves continued to reflect from the walls for a half km after it. We passed the power boats at the next lock. On returning to Black Rapids we ate lunch and packed up the tent and continued to Long Island at 3pm There we pitched the the tent and went in search of food. We walked to a shopping area for a few groceries then went to Subway for supper. While we were eating the skies opened up and it poured. Luckily we were offered a ride back to the locks. Our tent was still standing in spite of the rain and wind. We have just enjoyed a glass of wine and are letting the tent keep us dry. 

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