Wednesday, August 31, 2022

August 30- Disappointing Gramie

 After the storm passed through Long Island yesterday, I thought that we were home free weatherwise.  Nevertheless the forecast called for south winds, which would be in our faces going to Burritt's Rapids.  So we got a reasonably early start (7:20am) and paddled relatively easily to Baxter Conservation area just north of the 416 bridge; there we had a rest and a snack.  After that the wind picked up and we were much slower the rest of the way into Burritt's Rapids, where we arrived around 2:30pm. We had our lunch there and set off for Merrickville.  It wasn't long before it started to rain gently and then it got quite heavy.  By the time we arrived in Merrickville, I was exhausted and became concerned about staying overnight in the tent because we were soaked and I was cooling off.  When I first tried to lift the canoe onto my shoulders, I couldn't do it although I managed after walking around and resting for a few minutes.

After portaging at Merrickville, I told Gramie that I didn't want to go through the night and continue paddling the next day.  Thus, I called Hans and asked him to drive the Outback to pick us up.  He did so graciously and I was happy to see him arrive in Merrickville as it was getting dark.

I feel badly about letting Gramie down because she really wanted to finish this cane trip.

Monday, August 29, 2022

August 29

We got an early start today, 7:00am, without breakfast. Our tentsite was wet with dew and we weren't hungry so we paddled through Hogs Back to Hartwells for breakfast then continued to Wellington Street for our turnaround at 9:30am. Paddling in was easy with no wind and no power boats. In the first segment out we had waves from a big boat to deal with. It produced a wake and then the waves continued to reflect from the walls for a half km after it. We passed the power boats at the next lock. On returning to Black Rapids we ate lunch and packed up the tent and continued to Long Island at 3pm There we pitched the the tent and went in search of food. We walked to a shopping area for a few groceries then went to Subway for supper. While we were eating the skies opened up and it poured. Luckily we were offered a ride back to the locks. Our tent was still standing in spite of the rain and wind. We have just enjoyed a glass of wine and are letting the tent keep us dry. 

Sunday, August 28, 2022

August 28

I slept in this morning so we didn't get an early start but it was not a problem because we don't have a long paddle to Black Rapids. This is the long stretch without locks called the long reach. We stopped at Long Island Locks for a late lunch and pulled into Black Rapids by 3pm. There are no restaurants so we'll eat from cans.
The weather was great with gentle breezes and sunshine.
Before Long Island we saw lots of power boats then it changed to mainly kayaks, probably 10 to one. 
After publishing The first draft we found a restearant in walking distance and had a nice dinner.

August 27

After sleeping at Kilmarnock, I awoke well rested for a later start. We had a bite to eat then paddled Merrickville for good bacon and eggs breakfast. We decided to go to the park to stay. We booked the last campsite at Rideau River Park and checked into a great spot, (#9) near the showers. We walked almost four kms to the Fireside Grill on a golf course for a nice dinner. We will sleep well tonight.  Only 51km to Ottawa.

Friday, August 26, 2022

August 26

We woke up just before daybreak. I didn't sleep well for some reason. Nevertheless we got paddling a little after 7am. Surprisingly, both Upper and Big Rideau Lakes were calm and easy to paddle. We stopped at Rideau Ferry for lunch and a break then continued to Smith's Falls. As we were early, we picked up some takeout food and continued on to Kilmarnock. For safety reasons, they locked us through the locks in Smith's Falls, which obviated a long portage. It is not yet 7:30pm and I am ready for bed.

Rideau Canal 2022 Aug 25

Hans dropped us off at Kingston Mills and we started paddling about 6:30am. We had good weather with no rain. There was an interesting headwind up to Jones Falls. We arrived at Newboro Lock at 5pm. We will tent for the night and have dinner at Stirling Lodge