Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Camino Ingles Day 1

Today was a very different day. Yes we got up and walked in some of the sunniest weather we've had in Spain.  What made our day was a bunch of young kids; they were a group of about forty 10-11 year olds on a school field trip.  About noon we were walking at the edge of  a town when we saw some people headed for the Camino.   My first thought was that I hope they are not a large pilgrim group who will clutter the Camino.  Soon after we saw that they were a large group of young people;  then they started waving so we waved back.  We then merged with them as they joined the Camino.  They were a delightful group, so enthusiastic about meeting us.  They wanted to know what we were doing, when did we start, where did we start from, where were we from, what were our names, etc.  We got some names and learned that one boy had been born in Montreal.

We also met a group of 4 Americans who ended up in the same hotel as us. We had a nice chat with them over a glass of wine. They are all new to this kind of walking so we were able to share whatever knowledge that we had.

After we checked into our accommodation, we walked to see the old church, San Miguel de Breamo which was a 7 km round trip without packs.  It was up at the top of a small mountain. When we neared the top, a local man stopped his van to talk to us and explain exactly where we were.  After we walked back into town,  we met him again at an intersection which was quite a coincidence because of the layout of the town.  He recognized us and stopped to say that it was nice that we took the side trip.  He introduced himself s Manuel and said he was born in this town. It was so nice that someone would take the time to make us feel welcome. 

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