Sunday, May 30, 2010

Day 6, May 30 Sicamous- Revelstoke km 646, 77 km today.

It started out cool and remained so all day; overcast with light rain. The Trans-Canada follows the Eagle River for most of the way to Revelstoke; generally the grade is good. Just as we got to Craigalachie the skies opened up and it poured. So we got under cover at the rest stop at the “Last Spike” and had a snack. While we were there a tour bus pulled in and we talked to an Australian couple who had just competed in a triathlon in Germany. They said that it was cold and damp there as well with the water temperature being about 16 C. We also talked to a couple of birders who were participating in bird survey. We took pictures at the monument. While we were there the rain stopped making the ride nicer. We also stopped at Three Valley to take pictures. This the place where Grandpa Nakatsu was sent during World War II to work on the road. His gang's job was to blast out the roadbed on the south side of the lake just across from the CPR mainline. His task was to look after the dynamite cache, which is kind of odd because he was sent to Three Valley as a threat to national security. The road continues to climb gently until Summit Lake, about 10 km from Revelstoke. We checked into the Revelstoke Lodge for the night. It was an easy 5 hours from Sicamous so we will be well rested for the Rogers Pass tomorrow. Elevation at Sicamous 331 m 1139 ft at Revelstoke 443 m 1453 ft.

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